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Disclosure Date: February 17, 2024 (last updated February 17, 2024)
Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Security). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u391, 8u391-perf, 11.0.21, 17.0.9, 21.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.9, 21.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.12, 21.3.8 and 22.3.4. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition executes to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerabili…