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Disclosure Date: August 12, 2021 (last updated October 07, 2023)
TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. In affected versions the code for `tf.raw_ops.SaveV2` does not properly validate the inputs and an attacker can trigger a null pointer dereference. The [implementation]( uses `ValidateInputs` to check that the input arguments are valid. This validation would have caught the illegal state represented by the reproducer above. However, the validation uses `OP_REQUIRES` which translates to setting the `Status` object of the current `OpKernelContext` to an error status, followed by an empty `return` statement which just terminates the execution of the function it is present in. However, this does not mean that the kernel execution is finalized: instead, execution continues from the next line in `Compute` that follows the call to `ValidateInputs`. This is equivalent to lacking the validati…