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Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: November 07, 2024 (last updated February 27, 2025)
There exists an auth bypass in Google Quickshare where an attacker can upload an unknown file type to a victim. The root cause of the vulnerability lies in the fact that when a Payload Transfer frame of type FILE is sent to Quick Share, the file that is contained in this frame is written to disk in the Downloads folder. Quickshare normally deletes unkown files, however an attacker can send two Payload transfer frames of type FILE and the same payload ID. The deletion logic will only delete the first file and not the second. We recommend upgrading past commit 5d8b9156e0c339d82d3dab0849187e8819ad92c0 or Quick Share Windows v1.0.2002.2
Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: June 26, 2024 (last updated February 26, 2025)
There exists a vulnerability in Quick Share/Nearby, where an attacker can bypass the accept file dialog on Quick Share Windows. Normally in Quick Share Windows app we can't send a file without the user accept from the receiving device if the visibility is set to everyone mode or contacts mode. We recommend upgrading to version 1.0.1724.0 of Quick Share or above
Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: June 26, 2024 (last updated February 26, 2025)
There exists a vulnerability in Quick Share/Nearby, where an attacker can force a victim to stay connected to a temporary hotspot created for the sharing. As part of the sequence of packets in a Quick Share connection over Bluetooth, the attacker forces the victim to connect to the attacker’s WiFi network and then sends an OfflineFrame that crashes Quick Share. This makes the Wifi connection to the attacker’s network last, instead of returning to the old network when the Quick Share session completes, allowing the attacker to be a MiTM. We recommend upgrading to version 1.0.1724.0 of Quick Share or above
Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: January 04, 2024 (last updated February 25, 2025)
Improper access control vulnerability in Nearby device scanning prior version allows local attacker to access data.
Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: January 04, 2024 (last updated February 25, 2025)
Improper access control vulnerability in Nearby device scanning prior version allows local attacker to access data.