timb-machine (32)
Last Login: March 05, 2021
timb-machine's Latest (10) Contributions
Technical Analysis
This bug is trivial to exploit but time consuming to gain useful advantage. Each execution of rmsock leaks 64 bits of kernel memory. Some work on grooming the kernel address space could make this more effective but I didn’t pursue it.
Technical Analysis
Unlikely to be setUID, unlikely that you will have write control over the vulnerable part of the RPATH at the point another user runs it. More theoretical than actual.
Technical Analysis
Unlikely to be setUID, unlikely that you will have write control over the vulnerable part of the RPATH at the point another user runs it. More theoretical than actual.
Technical Analysis
Unlikely to be setUID, unlikely that you will have write control over the vulnerable part of the RPATH at the point another user runs it. More theoretical than actual.
Technical Analysis
Unlikely to be setUID, unlikely that you will have write control over the vulnerable part of the RPATH at the point another user runs it. More theoretical than actual.