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Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: June 03, 2020 (last updated February 21, 2025)
The avatar feature in Grafana 3.0.1 through 7.0.1 has an SSRF Incorrect Access Control issue. This vulnerability allows any unauthenticated user/client to make Grafana send HTTP requests to any URL and return its result to the user/client. This can be used to gain information about the network that Grafana is running on. Furthermore, passing invalid URL objects could be used for DOS'ing Grafana via SegFault.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: December 07, 2021 (last updated February 23, 2025)
Authenticated Blind & Error-based SQL injection vulnerability was discovered in Online Enrollment Management System in PHP and PayPal Free Source Code 1.0, that allows attackers to obtain sensitive information and execute arbitrary SQL commands via IDNO parameter.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: September 13, 2021 (last updated February 23, 2025)
SQL injection vulnerability in PHPGurukul Apartment Visitors Management System (AVMS) v. 1.0 allows attackers to execute arbitrary SQL statements and to gain RCE.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: June 27, 2023 (last updated October 08, 2023)
The File Manager Advanced Shortcode WordPress plugin through 2.3.2 does not adequately prevent uploading files with disallowed MIME types when using the shortcode. This leads to RCE in cases where the allowed MIME type list does not include PHP files. In the worst case, this is available to unauthenticated users.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: December 15, 2021 (last updated February 23, 2025)
Online Pre-owned/Used Car Showroom Management System 1.0 contains a SQL injection authentication bypass vulnerability. Admin panel authentication can be bypassed due to SQL injection vulnerability in the login form allowing attacker to get admin access on the application.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: November 03, 2021 (last updated February 23, 2025)
An SQL Injection vulnerability exists in Sourcecodester Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) 1.0 via the username parameter in customer/login.php.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: October 04, 2021 (last updated February 23, 2025)
The username and password field of login in Lodging Reservation Management System V1 can give access to any user by using SQL injection to bypass authentication.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: September 07, 2021 (last updated February 23, 2025)
SQL Injection can occur in Simple Water Refilling Station Management System 1.0 via the water_refilling/classes/Login.php username parameter.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: August 16, 2021 (last updated February 23, 2025)
SQL Injection vulnerability in Hospital Management System due to lack of input validation in messearch.php.
Attacker Value
Very High


Disclosure Date: November 17, 2021 (last updated February 23, 2025)
The Company's Recruitment Management System in id=2 of the parameter from view_vacancy app on-page appears to be vulnerable to SQL injection. The payloads 19424269' or '1309'='1309 and 39476597' or '2917'='2923 were each submitted in the id parameter. These two requests resulted in different responses, indicating that the input is being incorporated into a SQL query in an unsafe way.