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Disclosure Date: February 07, 2024 (last updated February 15, 2024)
Open Forms allows users create and publish smart forms. Versions prior to 2.2.9, 2.3.7, 2.4.5, and 2.5.2 contain a non-exploitable multi-factor authentication weakness. Superusers who have their credentials (username + password) compromised could potentially have the second-factor authentication bypassed if an attacker somehow managed to authenticate to Open Forms. The maintainers of Open Forms do not believe it is or has been possible to perform this login. However, if this were possible, the victim's account may be abused to view (potentially sensitive) submission data or have been used to impersonate other staff accounts to view and/or modify data. Three mitigating factors to help prevent exploitation include: the usual login page (at `/admin/login/`) does not fully log in the user until the second factor was succesfully provided; the additional non-MFA protected login page at `/api/v2/api-authlogin/` was misconfigured and could not be used to log in; and there are no additional wa…