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Disclosure Date: January 10, 2023 (last updated October 08, 2023)
Travel support program is a rails app to support the travel support program of openSUSE (TSP). Sensitive user data (bank account details, password Hash) can be extracted via Ransack query injection. Every deployment of travel-support-program below the patched version is affected. The travel-support-program uses the Ransack library to implement search functionality. In its default configuration, Ransack will allow for query conditions based on properties of associated database objects [1]. The `*_start`, `*_end` or `*_cont` search matchers [2] can then be abused to exfiltrate sensitive string values of associated database objects via character-by-character brute-force (A match is indicated by the returned JSON not being empty). A single bank account number can be extracted with <200 requests, a password hash can be extracted with ~1200 requests, all within a few minutes. The problem has been patched in commit d22916275c51500b4004933ff1b0a69bc807b2b7. In order to work around this issue,…