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Disclosure Date: October 25, 2021 (last updated October 07, 2023)
FreeSWITCH is a Software Defined Telecom Stack enabling the digital transformation from proprietary telecom switches to a software implementation that runs on any commodity hardware. When handling SRTP calls, FreeSWITCH prior to version 1.10.7 is susceptible to a DoS where calls can be terminated by remote attackers. This attack can be done continuously, thus denying encrypted calls during the attack. When a media port that is handling SRTP traffic is flooded with a specially crafted SRTP packet, the call is terminated leading to denial of service. This issue was reproduced when using the SDES key exchange mechanism in a SIP environment as well as when using the DTLS key exchange mechanism in a WebRTC environment. The call disconnection occurs due to line 6331 in the source file `switch_rtp.c`, which disconnects the call when the total number of SRTP errors reach a hard-coded threshold (100). By abusing this vulnerability, an attacker is able to disconnect any ongoing calls that are u…