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Disclosure Date: February 05, 2008 (last updated October 04, 2023)
The Project Issue Tracking module 5.x-2.x-dev before 20080130 in the 5.x-2.x series, 5.x-1.2 and earlier in the 5.x-1.x series, 4.7.x-2.6 and earlier in the 4.7.x-2.x series, and 4.7.x-1.6 and earlier in the 4.7.x-1.x series for Drupal (1) does not restrict the extensions of attached files when the Upload module is enabled for issue nodes, which allows remote attackers to upload and possibly execute arbitrary files; and (2) accepts the .html extension within the bundled file-upload functionality, which allows remote attackers to upload files containing arbitrary web script or HTML.