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Disclosure Date: August 08, 2024 (last updated August 13, 2024)
JupyterHub is software that allows one to create a multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks. Prior to versions 4.1.6 and 5.1.0, if a user is granted the `admin:users` scope, they may escalate their own privileges by making themselves a full admin user. The impact is relatively small in that `admin:users` is already an extremely privileged scope only granted to trusted users. In effect, `admin:users` is equivalent to `admin=True`, which is not intended. Note that the change here only prevents escalation to the built-in JupyterHub admin role that has unrestricted permissions. It does not prevent users with e.g. `groups` permissions from granting themselves or other users permissions via group membership, which is intentional. Versions 4.1.6 and 5.1.0 fix this issue.
Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: March 27, 2024 (last updated April 02, 2024)
JupyterHub is an open source multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks. By tricking a user into visiting a malicious subdomain, the attacker can achieve an XSS directly affecting the former's session. More precisely, in the context of JupyterHub, this XSS could achieve full access to JupyterHub API and user's single-user server. The affected configurations are single-origin JupyterHub deployments and JupyterHub deployments with user-controlled applications running on subdomains or peer subdomains of either the Hub or a single-user server. This vulnerability is fixed in 4.1.0.
Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: November 04, 2021 (last updated November 28, 2024)
JupyterHub is an open source multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks. In affected versions users who have multiple JupyterLab tabs open in the same browser session, may see incomplete logout from the single-user server, as fresh credentials (for the single-user server only, not the Hub) reinstated after logout, if another active JupyterLab session is open while the logout takes place. Upgrade to JupyterHub 1.5. For distributed deployments, it is jupyterhub in the _user_ environment that needs patching. There are no patches necessary in the Hub environment. The only workaround is to make sure that only one JupyterLab tab is open when you log out.
Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: January 13, 2021 (last updated November 28, 2024)
JupyterHub 1.1.0 allows CSRF in the admin panel via a request that lacks an _xsrf field, as demonstrated by a /hub/api/user request (to add or remove a user account).
Attacker Value


Disclosure Date: March 28, 2019 (last updated November 08, 2023)
An Open Redirect vulnerability for all browsers in Jupyter Notebook before 5.7.7 and some browsers (Chrome, Firefox) in JupyterHub before 0.9.5 allows crafted links to the login page, which will redirect to a malicious site after successful login. Servers running on a base_url prefix are not affected.