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(0 users assessed)Unknown
(0 users assessed)CVE-2022-40966
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Authentication bypass vulnerability in multiple Buffalo network devices allows a network-adjacent attacker to bypass authentication and access the device. The affected products/versions are as follows: WCR-300 firmware Ver. 1.87 and earlier, WHR-HP-G300N firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WHR-HP-GN firmware Ver. 1.87 and earlier, WPL-05G300 firmware Ver. 1.88 and earlier, WRM-D2133HP firmware Ver. 2.85 and earlier, WRM-D2133HS firmware Ver. 2.96 and earlier, WTR-M2133HP firmware Ver. 2.85 and earlier, WTR-M2133HS firmware Ver. 2.96 and earlier, WXR-1900DHP firmware Ver. 2.50 and earlier, WXR-1900DHP2 firmware Ver. 2.59 and earlier, WXR-1900DHP3 firmware Ver. 2.63 and earlier, WXR-5950AX12 firmware Ver. 3.40 and earlier, WXR-6000AX12B firmware Ver. 3.40 and earlier, WXR-6000AX12S firmware Ver. 3.40 and earlier, WZR-300HP firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WZR-450HP firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WZR-600DHP firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WZR-900DHP firmware Ver. 1.15 and earlier, WZR-1750DHP2 firmware Ver. 2.31 and earlier, WZR-HP-AG300H firmware Ver. 1.76 and earlier, WZR-HP-G302H firmware Ver. 1.86 and earlier, WEM-1266 firmware Ver. 2.85 and earlier, WEM-1266WP firmware Ver. 2.85 and earlier, WLAE-AG300N firmware Ver. 1.86 and earlier, FS-600DHP firmware Ver. 3.40 and earlier, FS-G300N firmware Ver. 3.14 and earlier, FS-HP-G300N firmware Ver. 3.33 and earlier, FS-R600DHP firmware Ver. 3.40 and earlier, BHR-4GRV firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, DWR-HP-G300NH firmware Ver. 1.84 and earlier, DWR-PG firmware Ver. 1.83 and earlier, HW-450HP-ZWE firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WER-A54G54 firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WER-AG54 firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WER-AM54G54 firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WER-AMG54 firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WHR-300 firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WHR-300HP firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WHR-AM54G54 firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WHR-AMG54 firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WHR-AMPG firmware Ver. 1.52 and earlier, WHR-G firmware Ver. 1.49 and earlier, WHR-G300N firmware Ver. 1.65 and earlier, WHR-G301N firmware Ver. 1.87 and earlier, WHR-G54S firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WHR-G54S-NI firmware Ver. 1.24 and earlier, WHR-HP-AMPG firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WHR-HP-G firmware Ver. 1.49 and earlier, WHR-HP-G54 firmware Ver. 1.43 and earlier, WLI-H4-D600 firmware Ver. 1.88 and earlier, WS024BF firmware Ver. 1.60 and earlier, WS024BF-NW firmware Ver. 1.60 and earlier, WXR-1750DHP firmware Ver. 2.60 and earlier, WXR-1750DHP2 firmware Ver. 2.60 and earlier, WZR-1166DHP firmware Ver. 2.18 and earlier, WZR-1166DHP2 firmware Ver. 2.18 and earlier, WZR-1750DHP firmware Ver. 2.30 and earlier, WZR2-G300N firmware Ver. 1.55 and earlier, WZR-450HP-CWT firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WZR-450HP-UB firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WZR-600DHP2 firmware Ver. 1.15 and earlier, WZR-600DHP3 firmware Ver. 2.19 and earlier, WZR-900DHP2 firmware Ver. 2.19 and earlier, WZR-AGL300NH firmware Ver. 1.55 and earlier, WZR-AMPG144NH firmware Ver. 1.49 and earlier, WZR-AMPG300NH firmware Ver. 1.51 and earlier, WZR-D1100H firmware Ver. 2.00 and earlier, WZR-G144N firmware Ver. 1.48 and earlier, WZR-G144NH firmware Ver. 1.48 and earlier, WZR-HP-G300NH firmware Ver. 1.84 and earlier, WZR-HP-G301NH firmware Ver. 1.84 and earlier, WZR-HP-G450H firmware Ver. 1.90 and earlier, WZR-S1750DHP firmware Ver. 2.32 and earlier, WZR-S600DHP firmware Ver. 2.19 and earlier, and WZR-S900DHP firmware Ver. 2.19 and earlier.
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CVSS V3 Severity and Metrics
General Information
- bhr-4grv firmware,
- dwr-hp-g300nh firmware,
- dwr-pg firmware,
- fs-600dhp firmware,
- fs-g300n firmware,
- fs-hp-g300n firmware,
- fs-r600dhp firmware,
- hw-450hp-zwe firmware,
- wcr-300 firmware,
- wem-1266 firmware,
- wem-1266wp firmware,
- wer-a54g54 firmware,
- wer-ag54 firmware,
- wer-am54g54 firmware,
- wer-amg54 firmware,
- whr-300 firmware,
- whr-300hp firmware,
- whr-am54g54 firmware,
- whr-amg54 firmware,
- whr-ampg firmware,
- whr-g firmware,
- whr-g300n firmware,
- whr-g301n firmware,
- whr-g54s firmware,
- whr-g54s-ni firmware,
- whr-hp-ampg firmware,
- whr-hp-g firmware,
- whr-hp-g300n firmware,
- whr-hp-g54 firmware,
- whr-hp-gn firmware,
- wlae-ag300n firmware,
- wli-h4-d600 firmware,
- wpl-05g300 firmware,
- wrm-d2133hp firmware,
- wrm-d2133hs firmware,
- ws024bf firmware,
- ws024bf-nw firmware,
- wtr-m2133hp firmware,
- wtr-m2133hs firmware,
- wxr-1750dhp firmware,
- wxr-1750dhp2 firmware,
- wxr-1900dhp firmware,
- wxr-1900dhp2 firmware,
- wxr-1900dhp3 firmware,
- wxr-5950ax12 firmware,
- wxr-6000ax12b firmware,
- wxr-6000ax12s firmware,
- wzr-1166dhp firmware,
- wzr-1166dhp2 firmware,
- wzr-1750dhp firmware,
- wzr-1750dhp2 firmware,
- wzr-300hp firmware,
- wzr-450hp firmware,
- wzr-450hp-cwt firmware,
- wzr-450hp-ub firmware,
- wzr-600dhp firmware,
- wzr-600dhp2 firmware,
- wzr-600dhp3 firmware,
- wzr-900dhp firmware,
- wzr-900dhp2 firmware,
- wzr-agl300nh firmware,
- wzr-ampg144nh firmware,
- wzr-ampg300nh firmware,
- wzr-d1100h firmware,
- wzr-g144n firmware,
- wzr-g144nh firmware,
- wzr-hp-ag300h firmware,
- wzr-hp-g300nh firmware,
- wzr-hp-g301nh firmware,
- wzr-hp-g302h firmware,
- wzr-hp-g450h firmware,
- wzr-s1750dhp firmware,
- wzr-s600dhp firmware,
- wzr-s900dhp firmware,
- wzr2-g300n firmware
Additional Info
Technical Analysis
Report as Emergent Threat Response
Report as Zero-day Exploit
Report as Exploited in the Wild
AttackerKB requires a CVE ID in order to pull vulnerability data and references from the CVE list and the National Vulnerability Database. If available, please supply below: