Attacker Value
(0 users assessed)
(0 users assessed)
User Interaction
Privileges Required
Attack Vector


Disclosure Date: October 10, 2023
Exploited in the Wild
Add MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques that apply to this CVE.


The HTTP/2 protocol allows a denial of service (server resource consumption) because request cancellation can reset many streams quickly, as exploited in the wild in August through October 2023.

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CVSS V3 Severity and Metrics
Base Score:
7.5 High
Impact Score:
Exploitability Score:
Attack Vector (AV):
Attack Complexity (AC):
Privileges Required (PR):
User Interaction (UI):
Scope (S):
Confidentiality (C):
Integrity (I):
Availability (A):

General Information


  • akka,
  • amazon,
  • apache,
  • apple,
  • caddyserver,
  • cisco,
  • debian,
  • dena,
  • eclipse,
  • envoyproxy,
  • f5,
  • facebook,
  • fedoraproject,
  • golang,
  • grpc,
  • ietf,
  • istio,
  • jenkins,
  • kazu-yamamoto,
  • konghq,
  • linecorp,
  • linkerd,
  • microsoft,
  • netapp,
  • netty,
  • nghttp2,
  • nodejs,
  • openresty,
  • projectcontour,
  • redhat,
  • traefik,
  • varnish cache project


  • .net,
  • 3scale api management platform 2.0,
  • advanced cluster management for kubernetes 2.0,
  • advanced cluster security 3.0,
  • advanced cluster security 4.0,
  • ansible automation platform 2.0,
  • apisix,
  • armeria,
  • core,
  • astra control center -,
  • azure kubernetes service,
  • big-ip access policy manager,
  • big-ip access policy manager 17.1.0,
  • big-ip advanced firewall manager,
  • big-ip advanced firewall manager 17.1.0,
  • big-ip advanced web application firewall,
  • big-ip advanced web application firewall 17.1.0,
  • big-ip analytics,
  • big-ip analytics 17.1.0,
  • big-ip application acceleration manager,
  • big-ip application acceleration manager 17.1.0,
  • big-ip application security manager,
  • big-ip application security manager 17.1.0,
  • big-ip application visibility and reporting,
  • big-ip application visibility and reporting 17.1.0,
  • big-ip carrier-grade nat,
  • big-ip carrier-grade nat 17.1.0,
  • big-ip ddos hybrid defender,
  • big-ip ddos hybrid defender 17.1.0,
  • big-ip domain name system,
  • big-ip domain name system 17.1.0,
  • big-ip fraud protection service,
  • big-ip fraud protection service 17.1.0,
  • big-ip global traffic manager,
  • big-ip global traffic manager 17.1.0,
  • big-ip link controller,
  • big-ip link controller 17.1.0,
  • big-ip local traffic manager,
  • big-ip local traffic manager 17.1.0,
  • big-ip next 20.0.1,
  • big-ip next service proxy for kubernetes,
  • big-ip policy enforcement manager,
  • big-ip policy enforcement manager 17.1.0,
  • big-ip ssl orchestrator,
  • big-ip ssl orchestrator 17.1.0,
  • big-ip webaccelerator,
  • big-ip webaccelerator 17.1.0,
  • big-ip websafe,
  • big-ip websafe 17.1.0,
  • build of optaplanner 8.0,
  • build of quarkus -,
  • caddy,
  • cbl-mariner,
  • ceph storage 5.0,
  • cert-manager operator for red hat openshift -,
  • certification for red hat enterprise linux 8.0,
  • certification for red hat enterprise linux 9.0,
  • connected mobile experiences,
  • contour,
  • cost management -,
  • crosswork data gateway,
  • crosswork data gateway 5.0,
  • crosswork zero touch provisioning,
  • cryostat 2.0,
  • data center network manager -,
  • debian linux 10.0,
  • debian linux 11.0,
  • debian linux 12.0,
  • decision manager 7.0,
  • enterprise chat and email -,
  • enterprise linux 6.0,
  • enterprise linux 8.0,
  • enterprise linux 9.0,
  • envoy 1.24.10,
  • envoy 1.25.9,
  • envoy 1.26.4,
  • envoy 1.27.0,
  • expressway,
  • fedora 37,
  • fedora 38,
  • fence agents remediation operator -,
  • firepower threat defense,
  • fog director,
  • go,
  • grpc,
  • grpc 1.57.0,
  • h2o,
  • http 2.0,
  • http server,
  • http2,
  • integration camel for spring boot -,
  • integration camel k -,
  • integration service registry -,
  • ios xe,
  • ios xr,
  • iot field network director,
  • istio,
  • jboss a-mq 7,
  • jboss a-mq streams -,
  • jboss core services -,
  • jboss data grid 7.0.0,
  • jboss enterprise application platform 6.0.0,
  • jboss enterprise application platform 7.0.0,
  • jboss fuse 6.0.0,
  • jboss fuse 7.0.0,
  • jenkins,
  • jetty,
  • kong gateway,
  • linkerd,
  • linkerd 2.13.0,
  • linkerd 2.13.1,
  • linkerd 2.14.0,
  • linkerd 2.14.1,
  • logging subsystem for red hat openshift -,
  • machine deletion remediation operator -,
  • migration toolkit for applications 6.0,
  • migration toolkit for containers -,
  • migration toolkit for virtualization -,
  • netty,
  • network observability operator -,
  • networking,
  • nghttp2,
  • nginx,
  • nginx ingress controller,
  • nginx plus,
  • nginx plus r29,
  • nginx plus r30,
  • node healthcheck operator -,
  • node maintenance operator -,
  • node.js,
  • nx-os,
  • oncommand insight -,
  • openresty,
  • opensearch data prepper,
  • openshift -,
  • openshift api for data protection -,
  • openshift container platform 4.0,
  • openshift container platform assisted installer -,
  • openshift data science -,
  • openshift dev spaces -,
  • openshift developer tools and services -,
  • openshift distributed tracing -,
  • openshift gitops -,
  • openshift pipelines -,
  • openshift sandboxed containers -,
  • openshift secondary scheduler operator -,
  • openshift serverless -,
  • openshift service mesh 2.0,
  • openshift virtualization 4,
  • openstack platform 16.1,
  • openstack platform 16.2,
  • openstack platform 17.1,
  • prime access registrar,
  • prime cable provisioning,
  • prime infrastructure,
  • prime network registrar,
  • process automation 7.0,
  • proxygen,
  • quay 3.0.0,
  • run once duration override operator -,
  • satellite 6.0,
  • secure dynamic attributes connector,
  • secure malware analytics,
  • secure web appliance firmware,
  • self node remediation operator -,
  • service interconnect 1.0,
  • service telemetry framework 1.5,
  • single sign-on 7.0,
  • solr,
  • support for spring boot -,
  • swiftnio http/2,
  • telepresence video communication server,
  • tomcat,
  • tomcat 11.0.0,
  • traefik,
  • traefik 3.0.0,
  • traffic server,
  • ultra cloud core - policy control function,
  • ultra cloud core - policy control function 2024.01.0,
  • ultra cloud core - serving gateway function,
  • ultra cloud core - session management function,
  • unified attendant console advanced -,
  • unified contact center domain manager -,
  • unified contact center enterprise -,
  • unified contact center enterprise - live data server,
  • unified contact center management portal -,
  • varnish cache,
  • visual studio 2022,
  • web terminal -,
  • windows 10 1607,
  • windows 10 1809,
  • windows 10 21h2,
  • windows 10 22h2,
  • windows 11 21h2,
  • windows 11 22h2,
  • windows server 2016 -,
  • windows server 2019 -,
  • windows server 2022 -


PoCs that have not been added by contributors directly have been sourced from: nomi-sec/PoC-in-GitHub.
A PoC added here by the AKB Worker must have at least 2 GitHub stars.

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Technical Analysis