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A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Lexmark CS31x before LW74.VYL.P273; CS41x before LW74.VY2.P273; CS51x before LW74.VY4.P273; CX310 before LW74.GM2.P273; CX410 & XC2130 before LW74.GM4.P273; CX510 & XC2132 before LW74.GM7.P273; MS310, MS312, MS317 before LW74.PRL.P273; MS410, M1140 before LW74.PRL.P273; MS315, MS415, MS417 before LW74.TL2.P273; MS51x, MS610dn, MS617 before LW74.PR2.P273; M1145, M3150dn before LW74.PR2.P273; MS610de, M3150 before LW74.PR4.P273; MS71x,M5163dn before LW74.DN2.P273; MS810, MS811, MS812, MS817, MS818 before LW74.DN2.P273; MS810de, M5155, M5163 before LW74.DN4.P273; MS812de, M5170 before LW74.DN7.P273; MS91x before LW74.SA.P273; MX31x, XM1135 before LW74.SB2.P273; MX410, MX510 & MX511 before LW74.SB4.P273; XM1140, XM1145 before LW74.SB4.P273; MX610 & MX611 before LW74.SB7.P273; XM3150 before LW74.SB7.P273; MX71x, MX81x before LW74.TU.P273; XM51xx & XM71xx before LW74.TU.P273; MX91x & XM91x before LW74.MG.P273; MX6500e before LW74.JD.P273; C746 before LHS60.CM2.P738; C748, CS748 before LHS60.CM4.P738; C792, CS796 before LHS60.HC.P738; C925 before LHS60.HV.P738; C950 before LHS60.TP.P738; X548 & XS548 before LHS60.VK.P738; X74x & XS748 before LHS60.NY.P738; X792 & XS79x before LHS60.MR.P738; X925 & XS925 before LHS60.HK.P738; X95x & XS95x before LHS60.TQ.P738; 6500e before LHS60.JR.P738;C734 LR.SK.P824 and earlier; C736 LR.SKE.P824 and earlier; E46x LR.LBH.P824 and earlier; T65x LR.JP.P824 and earlier; X46x LR.BS.P824 and earlier; X65x LR.MN.P824 and earlier; X73x LR.FL.P824 and earlier; W850 LP.JB.P823 and earlier; and X86x LP.SP.P823 and earlier.
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CVSS V3 Severity and Metrics
General Information
- 6500e firmware,
- c734 firmware,
- c736 firmware,
- c746 firmware,
- c748 firmware,
- c792 firmware,
- c925 firmware,
- c950 firmware,
- cs31x firmware,
- cs41x firmware,
- cs51x firmware,
- cs748 firmware,
- cs796 firmware,
- cx310 firmware,
- cx410 firmware,
- cx510 firmware,
- e46x firmware,
- m1140 firmware,
- m1145 firmware,
- m3150 firmware,
- m3150dn firmware,
- m5155 firmware,
- m5163 firmware,
- m5163dn firmware,
- m5170 firmware,
- ms310 firmware,
- ms312 firmware,
- ms315 firmware,
- ms317 firmware,
- ms410 firmware,
- ms415 firmware,
- ms417 firmware,
- ms51x firmware,
- ms610de firmware,
- ms610dn firmware,
- ms617 firmware,
- ms71x firmware,
- ms810 firmware,
- ms810de firmware,
- ms811 firmware,
- ms812 firmware,
- ms812de firmware,
- ms817 firmware,
- ms818 firmware,
- ms91x firmware,
- mx31x firmware,
- mx410 firmware,
- mx510 firmware,
- mx511 firmware,
- mx610 firmware,
- mx611 firmware,
- mx6500e firmware,
- mx71x firmware,
- mx81x firmware,
- mx91x firmware,
- t65x firmware,
- w850 firmware,
- x46x firmware,
- x548 firmware,
- x65x firmware,
- x73x firmware,
- x74x firmware,
- x792 firmware,
- x86x firmware,
- x925 firmware,
- x95x firmware,
- xc2130 firmware,
- xc2132 firmware,
- xm1135 firmware,
- xm1140 firmware,
- xm1145 firmware,
- xm3150 firmware,
- xm51xx firmware,
- xm71xx firmware,
- xm91x firmware,
- xs548 firmware,
- xs748 firmware,
- xs79x firmware,
- xs925 firmware,
- xs95x firmware
Additional Info
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Report as Emergent Threat Response
Report as Zero-day Exploit
Report as Exploited in the Wild
AttackerKB requires a CVE ID in order to pull vulnerability data and references from the CVE list and the National Vulnerability Database. If available, please supply below: