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HP Intelligent Management Platform Admin Command Control

Last updated February 13, 2020
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HP Intelligent Management Center UAM is prone to an overflow condition. The uam.exe file fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input resulting in a stack-based buffer overflow. With a specially crafted datagram, a remote attacker can potentially execute arbitrary code.

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UDP 1810 = UAM background port for listening to commands from the foreground

0042E597 . FF15 5C015800 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&WS2_32.#2>] ; \bind

Each recvfrom() receives a max of 4132 bytes
0042E6A8 . 52 PUSH EDX ; /pFromLen
0042E6A9 . 50 PUSH EAX ; |pFrom
0042E6AA . 53 PUSH EBX ; |Flags
0042E6AB . 8D8C24 BC7B000>LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+7BBC] ; |
0042E6B2 . 68 24100000 PUSH 1024 ; |BufSize = 1024 (4132.)
0042E6B7 . 51 PUSH ECX ; |Buffer
0042E6B8 . 57 PUSH EDI ; |Socket
0042E6B9 . C78424 0C01000>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+10C],10 ; |
0042E6C4 . FF15 6C015800 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&WS2_32.#17>] ; \recvfrom

After the packet is received, it begins to check the packet size:
0042E6F8 > 81FE 00100000 CMP ESI,1000 ;If larger than 0x1000, bounce
0042E6FE . 0F8F E12F0000 JG uam.004316E5
0042E704 . 83FE 14 CMP ESI,14 ;If less than 0x14, bounce

After the packet gets past the size checks, it checks for a "Command ID":

0042E850 . 817D 00 213D10>CMP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP],F7103D21

When the "Command ID" matches, it begins checking the "Command Type":

0042E85F . E8 D42BFDFF CALL uam.00401438 ; Extract command type

The following "Command Types" are available:

0x101 = Echo request (See 0x0042E88B)
0x102 = Echo reply (See 0x0042E899)
0x201 = Restart command (See 0x0042E87A)
0x202 = Stop command (See 0x0042E95D)
0x303 = get user offline command (See 0x0042E9D6)
0x401 = Re-configure plat request (See 0x0042E9E1)
0x501 = get pause resume command (See 0x0042E9C5)
0x601 = user payment command (See 0x00431563)

Some settings related to logging that can trigger different code paths (ead.TBL_PARAMETE):

1020 PUB_LOG_STORE_TIME 1 30 Days 1 365 Log Lifetime
1310 ENABLE_AUTH_FAIL_SYSLOG 1 0 NULL 0 1 If enable sending the syslog of authentication failed
1311 ENABLE_SAFELOG_SYSLOG 1 0 NULL 0 1 If enable sending the syslog of safelog
1312 SYSLOG_SERVER_IP 2 NULL 0 4294967295 syslog server IP
2060 EAD_LOG_ATT_SUCCEED 1 0 NULL 0 1 If Log Successful Authentication(1-Yes;0-No)
2070 EAD_LOG_CLEAN_VIRUS 1 1 NULL 0 1 If Log Virus Cleanup on Client(1-Yes;0-No)
2170 EAD_LOG_LEVEL 1 3 NULL 0 4 Policy Server Log Level
3000 EAD_REPORT_SAFE_LOG 1 1 NULL 0 1 If the safe log is reported , 1: yes , 0: no
3020 PUB_LOG_LEVEL 1 2 NULL 0 4 Log Level
3030 PUB_LOG_PATH 3 C:\Program Files\iMC\uam\log NULL NULL NULL Log File Path
3040 PUB_LOG_RESERVE_TIME 1 30 Days 1 365 Log And Backup File Lifetime
3100 PORTAL_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL 1 3 NULL 1 6 Portal Log Level
3110 PORTAL_SERVER_LOG_PATH 3 C:\Program Files\iMC\portal\logs\ NULL NULL NULL Portal Log File Path
3140 PORTAL_LOG_LIST_LENGTH 1 1000 NULL 1 65535 Portal Log Queue Length
3170 PUB_AUTH_FAIL_LOG_TIME 1 90 day 1 365 Auth Fail Log reserve Time
3320 PUB_ENDUSER_MODIFY_PASSWD_LIMIT 0 0 NULL 0 1 Allow User Login(1-YES;0-NO)
4053 SSV_TOP_LOGO 3 login_3com.gif NULL NULL NULL the top image name in the first page of SSV
4054 SSV_BOTTOM_LOGO 3 3com_about.gif NULL NULL NULL the bottom image name in the first page of SSV
4055 SSV_ABOUT_LOGO 3 logo_top_3com.gif NULL NULL NULL the top logo name in the page after a user logging in

An example of how to update a setting:


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